Objective of HRD

HRD is associated with the following objectives:
·         Work Opportunity: HRD provides an opportunity and a systematic framework for the development resource in the organisation for full expression of their talents.
·         Development of Traits: HRD is associated with the development of total personality so that these can show and use their talent for the benefit of the organisation.
·         Ability development: HRD makes capable employees. Thus they can develop their capability by which they can do their present job easily.
·         Creative Motivation: HRD manager motivates employees and improve their level of performance.
·         Good Relation: HRD manager stresses the need of coordination which is used for the benefits of himself and for the benefits of those who come in his/their touch.
·         Develop team spirit: HRD manager develops the spirit of teamwork; team work for it is used for the effective cooperation and coordination of each employee which ultimately checks industrial unrest.
·         Organisational Growth: HRM manager is responsible for developing health, culture and effective work plan which always result in more profitability.
·         Human Resource Information: HRM manager in general keeps all records to employees working in his organisation; these can be used at any time when these are needed.
Conclusion: The organisational effectiveness can be reflected through better quality, higher productivity, cost reduction, higher profits and more EPS (earning per shares) and more market price of shares. This explains the increased role of HRD managers in modern industrial organisations which are working in the most uncertain social, political, economical, technological and international complex and competitive environment.


Tushar Sharma said...

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shiv said...

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Unknown said...

it was very helpful

Sanu said...

1.To create and utilize an in a position and motivated staff to perform the fundamental organizational desires.
2.To establish and maintain organizational shape and suited running courting among all of the contributors of the agency.
Objectives of HRM

Smirti Bam said...

Wonderful Contents.Thank you for sharing.
Objectives of hrm

Unknown said...

Very useful

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