what is the objectives of trainning

Training increases the knowledge and skills of new employees in discharging their jobs and serves as a refresher course for the old employees. Training imparts employees specific knowledge which are need to do their job. It also gives them the opportunity to learn and provides self-development which is needed for future promotion.
  1. Better performance-Well trained employees usually show a greater increase in and a higher quality of work output than an untrained group. Training increase the skill of employees in the performance of a perticular job. An increase in skill usually helps in increasing both quantity and quality of output.
  2. Lesser learning time-A systematic programme of training helps to reduse the learning time to reach at the acceptable level of performance. The employees need not learn by hit and trail or observing others and waste a long time if the formal training programme exists in the organisation.
  3. Lesser supervision-When the employees are given proper training the responsibility of supervision is lessened. Training does not eliminate the need for supervision, but it reduces the need for detailed and constant supervision.
  4. Economical-Trained personnel will be able to make better and economical use of materials and equipment. Wastage will also be low. In addition, the rate of accidents and damage to machinery and equipment will be kept to the minimum by the well trained employees. These will lead to lesser cost of production per unit.
  5. Increased Morale-The morale of the employees is increased if they are given proper training. As a common objectives of the organisation training programme will mould employees attitudes to achieve support for organisation activities and to obtain better co-operation and greater loyality/
  6. Better Management-A manager can make use of training to help him manage in a better way. To him, training the employees can assist in improving his planning, organising, controlling and actuating. For instance, maintaining higher standards of quality, building a satisfactory organisation structure, delegating authority and stimulating employees, are all assisted by effective training.
  7.  Fills manpower needs-When totaly new skills are required by an organisation, it has to face great difficulties in the selection process. Training can be used in spotting out promising men and in removingdefects in the selection process. It is better to select and train from within the organisation than to seek skilled employees from outside sources.
  8. Standardisation-Standardisation will make high levels of performance rule rather than the exception. Employees will work intelligently and make fewer mistakes when they posses the required knowhow and have an understanding of their jobs and of the interdependence of one job on others.
  9. Organisational Stability and flexibility-Training increase the stability and flexibility of the organisation. Creation of a reservoir of trained replacements will increase the stability of the organisation in the sense that organisation will be able to sustain its effectiveness despite the loss of key personnel. Training can also be used to help the employees to gain multiple skills to enable their transfer to jobs where thedemand is highest. It will bring about flexibility in the sence that organisation will be in a position to adjust to short run variations in the volume of work.
  10. Motivation-The motivation impact of training is manifest when staff feel a sense of recognition when sent on a training course, and after been trained they are moivated to acquire new skills, particularly when rewards follow the acquisition and use of skills.
  11. Benefits health and safety-Where training incorporates safety training as a integral part of the programme, the outcome could be favourable in terms of health and safety at work.
  12. Lesser Staff-turnover-Training could have a favourable impact on the level of staff turnover, and the costs of redundancy schemes and recruitment of staff could be reduced when displaced staff are re-trained. 


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