Essentials of Success in Career Planning

It is fairly conventional to judge a person's career success by the organisational level achieved, the pay or income earned, or the standing in his profession. Career experts, however, argue that this is too simple a conception, that career success should be judged on several dimensions-
  1. Career Performance- Career performance can be judge by the level of objective success is usually reflected by the achievement of the most common measure of success, such as pay and the attainment of reputation or high office in an organisation. Success depends on how well one performs one's job and the extent to which it is valued by others in the firm.
  2. Career Attitudes- Career attitudes are specific indiviual attitudes related to work. These are attitudes about the work itself, the place of work , the job satisfaction, the level of achievement, and the relationship between work and other parts of a person's life. Career attitudes begin to be formed early in life, before a person has a job, and they continue to be shaped by the person's work experience through his career.
  3. Career Identity- Individual identity is the unique way that a person believes he or she fits into the world. Work, career, and a place in the organisation will have an effect on identity. Career identity is that particular fact of a person's identity related to occupations activities.
  4. Career Adaptability- Career adaptability is the indiviual's willingness and capacity to change occupations and the work-setting in order to maintain his or her standards of career progress. The level of career adaptability has important implications for managers, professionals, and persons who aspire for career advancement.


Unknown said...

Successful career planning involves a thoughtful process, nice informative post, thanks!

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Kartik said...

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