Difference between Career Planning and human resource planning

The career planning is an important part of Human Resource Planning which in turn is integrated with the corporate planning. Human Resource planning cannot be effective without proper and adequate career planning. Similarly, human resouce planning provides valuable information to facilitate career planning. The important points of difference between career planningand human resource planning are as under-
  1. Inventory of skills- Human resource planning provides an inventory of skills and potentials available within an organisation. But career planning determines who could be groomed for higher level assignments, where, when and how
  2. Information about HR- Human resource planning provides information about the human resources available within the organisation for expansion, growth and technological innovations. But career planning only tells as to who could succeed in case of retirement, death, resignation, etc of existing personnel.
  3. HR planning useful to career planning- Human resource planning facilitates career planning by providing the following information:
  • An inventory of human resource, its needs, number, types, skill etc
  • Changes in functions and activities two, five, or ten years hence, if not for a longer period.
  • Nature and extent of behavioural changes required to meet manpower needs.
  • Availability of human resource within and outside the organisation, training opportunities, training resources and training time.


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